Sunday, October 24, 2010

Acne Treatment:Importance of Treatment for Acne

Acne is a very common skin disorder. It is also known as Acne Vulgaris which means 'common acne'. It is mostly seen in adolescence and it carries over into adulthood. Majority of people recover from acne whereas some of them are left with acne scars. There are different types of acne such as nodulocystic acne or cystic acne.
The main regions of the body that are affected by acne are neck and face. You can consult a dermatologist for treatment of acne and its scars. There are different grading scales that are available to grade the severity of Acne. They are very helpful to determine the treatment for acne. The grading scales are Pillsbury scale, Cook's Acne grading scale and Leeds acne grading technique.

Causes of Acne:
The exact causes of Acne are still unknown. There are several related factors that cause acne. They are given below:

• Using greasing cosmetics
• Hormonal changes
• Stress such as emotional stress
• Blockages of skin pores
• Lack of hygiene
• Intake of drugs such as steroids or lithium or antidepressants
• Overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands
• Exposure to pollutants or industrial products
• Individuals who has a family history of acne are more susceptible to it

Symptoms of Acne:

A brief summary of the information about physical symptoms of Acne are listed below:

• Pimples
• Dry, pink and itchy skin
• Blackheads
• Large and firm lumps below the skin
• Whiteheads or Milia
• Pus filled yellowish lumps on the surface of the skin
• Scarring
• Cysts
• Abnormal redness and irritation on the face

Tips for preventing acne are as mentioned below:
Here are some useful tips for preventing acne or for treatment of acne.

• Drink plenty of water
• Wash your hands and face regularly/proper cleaning
• Eat a balanced diet. Include vegetables and fruits in your diet
• Avoid squeezing your pimples
• Use mild cleanser and avoid the usage of abrasive skin products
• Avoid the intake of junk oily foodstuffs, chocolate and coffee
• Avoid excessive scrubbing of the skin. It would irritate the skin and result in pore clogging and aggravate the problem of acne
• Regular exercises, yoga and meditation helps to control stress which helps in acne treatment

There are various types of remedies that are available for acne treatment. They are as follows:
Home remedies for Acne:

• Orange Peel: Apply powdered orange peel mixed with water on the affected area for some days
• Fenugreek: Apply the paste of fenugreek leaves over the face before going to bed and keep it overnight. Wash it in the morning with warm water
• Cinnamon powder mixed in honey: Apply the paste of cinnamon powder mixed in honey on the affected area before going to bed. Keep it overnight and wash it with warm water in the morning. Repeat the procedure for two weeks.
• Lemon juice: Apply lemon juice daily on the affected area
• Pomegranate skin: Apply paste of roasted and powdered pomegranate skin mixed with lime juice on the affected area
• Tomato: Apply tomato on the acne, keep it for one hour and wash it

There are many medicines and products available in the market for Acne treatment. While considering the best products for acne treatment, select the product on the basis of its customer feedback, safety and quality of ingredients used in it. A long term solution to the problem of acne can be sought by opting for a combination of therapies.
For the selection of the right treatment of acne we have to take into consideration factors such as type of acne, type of skin i.e. oily or dry, family history of acne problem, and severity of the acne.

The treatment for acne depends on its severity; whether it is mild or severe. In case of mild acne you can use benzoyl peroxide. For severe acne, antibiotics or hormone therapy are mostly recommended. Some medicines that are useful for acne are Retinoid, Azelaic Acid, Creams and lotions. Medicines are expensive and also have side effects.

Some different treatments for Acne are described below:

• Antibiotics in consultation with the doctor for severe acne
• Hormonal treatments specially for women
• Phototherapy is useful for moderate acne treatments
• Surgery is very useful for boils and cystic acne
• Photodynamic therapy
• Laser surgery: This treatment helps to reduce the scars left behind due to acne. It is also useful for preventing the formation of acne itself.

Jimmy A. Thomas is an expert in providing information about various types of treatment like acne treatment, arthritis treatment etc.

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Work With Your Skin to Fight Acne Using Holistic Acne Treatment

One thing which anyone who has ever suffered from acne knows all too well is that this common but unsightly skin problem can cause real damage to your self esteem and make social interactions difficult, especially if your acne happens to be on your face. In order to overcome the problems which can come along with a case of acne, you need to take action.

While many people are in search of some sort of instant cure for the condition, there are no shortcuts to clear skin. Instead of wasting time on the chemical-based products available in the stores, it's better to start following a routine of healthy lifestyle habits and use holistic acne treatments for a long lasting solution for this problem. You'll get better looking skin as well as better health overall.

Work With Your Body, Not Against It

There are a lot of different treatments out there, but what all of them have in common is that all of them involve using natural, not chemical treatments to improve your skin and clear up your acne. Of course, it can be hard to tell which of these methods will work best for you until you actually try them for yourself. However, holistic treatments for acne are easy to use and are very affordable and there are diets and other programs which you can find. You'll have to change your diet and most likely begin using herbal remedies and supplements as well. Best of all, thanks to the World Wide Web, you don't even have to leave the house to get effective treatment for acne, since you can have everything delivered right to your door.

An important part of a holistic treatment regimen is learning how your skin works and which vitamins, minerals and supplements will best complement your body's natural processes. It should educate you on which foods to incorporate into your diet and which are best avoided.

Other than diet, sleep is an important part of any effective treatment for acne. When you sleep, your body rests and repairs itself, which is essential to ridding yourself of acne.

Rome Wasn't Built In A Day

One of the reasons that people try holistic acne treatments and fail is that they're simply not patient enough to see the treatment through. Remember that there is no type of treatment, holistic or otherwise which can immediately cure the condition. When you accept that this will take time, then you'll be able to stick with the treatment and see the results you're looking for within a couple of weeks.

You will have to follow your program to the letter to make sure that it gives you the results it's supposed to. These types of treatment work along with your body's natural processes and you're going to have to put in some effort to make the program work - and every individual's progress is different over the course of the holistic acne treatment.

Instead of assuming that the treatment isn't working for you, give it a reasonable amount of time to work; anywhere from three weeks to three months is a realistic time frame for a treatment regiment to clear up acne. Remember that when it comes to acne treatment, good things do come to those who wait, so don't give it up after a week or two if you're not seeing results yet.

Set Schedules And Make Notes For Yourself

As with many other things, being organized can be the secret to succeeding with holistic acne treatment. You may want to use a calendar to monitor how long you've been using your treatment regimen and note any progress you see towards ridding yourself of acne. Knowing that your treatment is starting to make a difference can be all the motivation you need to stick with your course of holistic acne treatment. On your calendar, you can also make a list of the foods, herbs, supplements and any other products you'll need to carry out your treatment.

You may need to pick up certain vitamins or herbal supplements, teas or other products as part of your program. Whatever it is you need to remember, put it down on your calendar along with your progress as you continue the regimen of holistic treatment for your acne.

Taking pictures of yourself at regular intervals as you go through the treatment regimen is also a good idea; perhaps once a week or so. Being able to see the difference over the weeks as you continue using your treatment can help give you the motivation you need to keep going and avoid the frustration which causes many people to give up on their acne treatment before it has had a chance to work.

When you're patient and give yourself the opportunity to see the treatment working, you'll be able to finally be rid of acne once and for all. You will need to make lifestyle changes in order to reap the benefits, but the results are more than worth it. If you need help and support, there are many forums on the web which can help you just as they have many other people who struggle with this common skin condition. Remember that this is a long term problem which calls for real dedication to overcome and you'll see the advantages of a natural, holistic acne treatment program over the conventional treatments available in shops.

Click Holistic Acne Treatments to go to Joanna's Acne Not Again website.

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Homemade Acne Treatment

A homemade acne treatment is just one of the numerous ways for teens; and adults as well, to get rid of that distressing acne. Although this method is hardly known to a lot of people, the search for the best and most effective treatment has already begun. The unpopularity of this approach to curing acne is unknown to a lot of people because of all the other prescription and non-prescription medications that are being publicized in every areas and forms of media advertising. Without any exaggeration, our generation is bombarded by this ads that promises cure for acne.

Many of us who are in search for that cure are left disappointed by these acne medications today. It is also known that people who are taking these acne medications run the risk of some really long term damaging side effects. Sad to say, there will always be those people who will be fooled into buying these ineffective acne medications. It is certain that they are just wasting their time and money with little or no results of being acne free at all.

However, there is hope for all of us in our search for an acne cure and this can be homemade acne treatment as well. Most of these are just around your kitchen if you pay close attention to them. There are lots of homemade acne treatment that can be put into practice on a daily basis to cure acne permanently. Again, treatments for acne can begin from your kitchen, stop imagining those fancy high tech laboratory and focus on what you have at home. There are quite a few vegetables and fruits which can be used to heal acne.

When conventional acne remedies like topical creams and pills become expensive, and with side effects most people dread, homemade acne treatments have always been a welcoming break. Not only you can treat acne without resorting to conventional medicines, home acne treatment is also inexpensive, mild, and brings result with no side effects. Here are a few tips on utilizing the efficacy of home acne treatments to get that acne free skin you have always wanted.

Treat your body with a sweet splash of lemon Juice. Not only is this a highly effective formula as it contains citric acid which acts to dry the skin (and pimples) out, lemon juice is also abundant and inexpensive compared to other commercialized products sold in markets. Lemon juice extract works the acne like your conventional acne remedies like benzoyl peroxide without the synthetic touch. In addition, its citric acid has a mild antibacterial magic that acts as a germ slayer that clogs the pores of the skin resulting to the dreaded acne. How to best prepare the lemon juice treatment that is both anti-acne and refreshing? Simply cut the fresh lemon fruit into small pieces, then rub gently on your skin or to acne-infected areas. To avoid itching and that sticky feeling, rinse your face with water after.

And speaking of water, it is our second treatment. Now this one is considered the best and easiest (not to mention inexpensive) method to counter acne and other skin infections. Drinking a liter of water every day is enough to rid your body with toxins and to water all the cells in your body. Well moisturized cells means healthy cells, and that also means an acne free skin. When the cell is moisturized, they function in their peak, and ridding the skin of the germs and bacteria is one of them. This simply means that water will keep acne absent for a while if it the cell is constantly satiated with H2O. Not just any water, if you want the acne out immediately, drink filtered water, for they are the purest because of the removed compounds during the filtration process.

Another amazing gift from nature to help mankind cope with their 'petty' acne issues is carrots. This is yet another inexpensive, abundant, and highly effective homemade acne treatment for those with acne problems. Carrots has large dosage of Beta Carotene and Vitamin A, which are to bring goodness to the skin and to the overall bodily function. Juicing the carrots means the vitamins are concentrated and pure, not only that, as not so many are really that 'good' at consuming carrots, one gulp of the carrot juice is an easy alternative as compared with eating a large amount of carrots (take a cue from Bugs Bunny). Carrot juice will only be possible if there's an electric juicer or grinder around (go to your nearest electrical appliance store and choose the best). Remember to peel first the carrot before juicing them. For faster anti-acne results, consume carrot juice once every other day.

However, one has to bear in mind that the success of homemade acne treatments depends on the simple planning and of course perseverance. Make sure that your homemade acne treatments should be sternly followed routinely over time. These homemade acne remedies are also a lot safer and cheaper compared to taking any sort of acne medication. This is why a growing number of people are so convinced about the value of these homemade acne cures.

Acne is a horrible and painful for people suffering from it, both physically and emotionally. No teen or adult ought to have this ill-fated and ordinary problem in the first place. There are lots of ways to heal this awful skin condition and one of those methods is by using homemade acne treatment for better looking skin.

Alfie Harris is the CEO of, and is an authority on Acne.

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Natural Acne Treatment Vs Acne Prescription

People who have acne issues are bombarded with different prescription acne treatments that certainly do more damage than good in bringing back clear, healthy and smooth skin. The simple and successful natural and holistic acne cures rid of the risks of trial and error and guess work on acne cures and side-effects, leaving you with permanent acne treatment results.

Your Skin and Acne

Your skin fundamentally reflects the health of your body. In this instance, the harshness of your acne issue is a representation of the amount of toxins in your body. This is not something that prescription stress, this type of issue is not something that can be treated by simply using or ingesting prescription drugs. The skin is susceptible to the impact from the foods you consume, the quality of air you breathe and even alterations in weather. To protect the skin from these elements, you must develop a strong defense from acne cau drugs can magically fix. In reality, you will require a more natural cure to ridding of acne forever. Since the cause of acne is determined by both internal and environmental elements such as toxin build up, hormonal imbalance, pollution andsing substances. Concentrate on the things you can control such as your body and health.

How does acne develop?

To choose the ideal cure for acne, you should comprehend how acne develops. Generally, the skin is lubricated and safeguarded by the oil released by the sebaceous glands, which are attached to the hair follicles on the skin. Some imbalances and disruptions to regular body activities can lead to excess oil or sebum on the skin, which heightens the possibly of breakouts. Excessive oil on the skin combined with a build up of dead cells block hair follicles, allowing it to produce a culture of acne causing bacteria. What happens next is the start of acne symptoms such as reddish bumps or bulbous growths. As additional oil and dead skin cells build up in the clogged hair follicle, pus may appear. As the blockage increases, the follicle wall can burst. This case can cause further issues such as additional breakouts, swelling, and pronounced acne scars.

How prescription medication works?

Prescription acne cures offer to relieve acne issues by decreasing oil production, combating bacterial infection and accelerating the development of new skin cells to promote healing. Prescription acne treatments are said to rid of acne in days or weeks. These treatments generally come as systemic or topically used cures that provide acne healing advantages with consistent use. Topical treatments are generally used for light to harsh acne while systemic drugs are for mild to serious acne issues. They commonly use additives such as retinoid, which have disputable skin healing ingredients. Although these additives have been used in acne cures for a long time, they bring noticeable alleviation but with small to grave side effects.

In fact, prescription treatments adhere to unsuccessful over-the-counter acne treatment routines. Usually, people who have acne are urged to use over-the-counter tinctures and lotions before using prescription drugs. These treatments usually include the use of additives such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and sulfur ingredients, which can lead to irritating side-effects. When benzoyl peroxide aids in curing acne, it usually leads to skin dryness, itchiness and flaking due to its exfoliating effects. Sulfur additives give you a classic ingredient for acne and pimple lotions and ointments. Salicylic acid additives are generally found in creams that aid in unblocking pores and stop or reduce acne lesions. Despite these preliminary reinforcements against acne being successful, they only treat acne from the surface and not from its foundation. Therefore, they are a waste of cash, because they do not truly provide long lasting and permanent answers to being acne free.

What follows an unsuccessful over-the-counter acne cure routine is the use of prescription medicine. A physician might prescribe retinoid creams and gels to a person as well as precise and thorough instructions on their use to prevent bad effects. Treatments that use retinoid are recommended to be used only once a day and never to be used on areas near the mouth, eyes and nose. The additive is also a risk for use on pregnant women as it can possibly cause birth abnormalities. Generally, prescription treatments are provided only to people who have serious acne problems. They are pretty much the last attempt at acne treatment. However, while they suppress acne symptoms, they do not assure that total elimination of the skin problem.

On natural acne Treatments

When powerful prescription treatments do not truly hold the answer to being acne-free, a more natural attempt to treatment is required. To develop a strong defense against the things that lead to acne, you must work from the inside of your body. The idea of holistic acne treatments fundamentally includes eating healthy foods, cleansing the body of toxins, wastes, and parasite accumulation and the use of herbs and nutrients to encourage healthy organ system activity. The major benefit of holistic acne treatments is that it does not use chemicals that have potentially grave health threats because of side-effects. Natural methods of treatment are created to cleanse and detox the vital organs, which betters immune operations and accelerates skin healing and rejuvenation. Most importantly, it is usually safe for curing different forms of acne problems and individuals who are susceptible to acne can greatly benefit from this easy and successful cure choice.

Which one gives better acne solution?

The lofty advertising promises and hype shrouding well-known acne prescription treatments only made acne sufferers more unsure and disheartened about their treatment choices. If you are the type of individual who has usually dealt with health issues with pills, then you have certainly submitted to the convenience of prescription acne treatments and are hoping to dream your way to being acne-free. In contrast to prescription drugs, holistic acne treatments do not provide a fast acne fix. What it gives is a more permanent and safe answer to stopping the cause of acne forever with healthy eating, detox and cleansing, which also gives a huge improvement in well-being. However since the skin is a representation of ones current state of health, more holistic acne cures offer to work out your insides to gain fast healing and clearing of the problematic skin areas.

For more information about Natural Acne Treatment go to Natural Acne Treatment

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A Few Simple Home Acne Treatment Methods for Teens By Luvi Marie Corcuera Platinum Quality Author

There is no great secret for preventing acne especially if you are an adolescent and home acne treatment is really not impossible if you know certain facts on how acne should be treated. The foremost thought should be on prevention of acne, and the easiest way to help with this is to keep the pores of you skin fresh and unclogged. The best way to keep your skin in good health is to know about home products that will aid in keeping your skin free from dirt and help improve your complexion and make you skin clean and beautiful. Some very effective home acne treatment remedies can indeed be done at home and it is best to know what these home acne treatment remedies are.

Common Home Acne Treatments

For those that have tried having a facial job done by a professional, you will know that the use of steam during the acne treatment is very relaxing. Being at home doesn't mean you can;t have the same type of steam treatment for you acne. Using a bit of care and safety measures you can quite easily steam your clogged pores. The procedure for this type of acne treatment is quite simple and involves the following simple steps

1. Bring a pot of water to boil on the stove

2. Place the pot of boiling water on a hot pad

3. Position your face over the pot being careful not to burn yourself on the edges of the pot

4. Drape a towel over your head catching the cleaning steam vapors

The steps above gives you a simple yet effective home steam treatment ideal for unclogging those pores and act as an acne treatment. In order improve and enhance the experience to another level, you can add essential oils and whole herbs to the pot of water the moment it starts to boil. This will give you added benefits in your home acne treatment prerogative, especially if you add other herbs such as mint which helps break up the oil and dirt in the skin pores which also aids in loosening your sinuses.

Other ingredients that you can use in you home acne treatment are Rose hips which are full of vitamin A that infuse your skin cells will a variety of regenerative properties and lavender which brings an additional layer of relaxation which is indeed very relaxing and for those that have not tried a relaxing lavender enhance steam treatment this may be the most opportune time for you to have a relaxing time while getting your home acne treatment done.

A Simple Home Acne Mask Treatment to Try

Sometimes in the process of getting acne treatment you may visit your local salon or spa for a facial mask that can cost you a few hundred dollars, but at home you can replicate the acne treatment [] you would normally receive for a lot less. Many of the expensive acne treatment masks are essentially made up of ingredients that are actually easy to find such as honey, oatmeal, mint, avocado and wheat germ. By experimenting with some of the items that are found in your pantry or kitchen you will be able to determine how easy and simple it is to create an all natural skin mask.

Mixing together some mashed avocado to a small dab of honey and ground almonds into a thick paste and applying it to your face, letting dry for about fifteen minutes then gently scrubbing off is an example of many invigorating masks you can try. This simple mask mixture will let the honey dry out the pores of your skin, allow the avocado to moisturize the skin and the almond will provide the exfoliating benefits, a great method for acne treatment indeed.

There are just simply so many combinations and mask mixes that you can try and experiment with and be able to discover the ones that you like the most and the ones that work best for you in your acne treatment quest. The costs are also nominal compared to going to your local salon that you virtually do as many treatments as needed depending on how much acne treatment is required.

Other Home Acne Treatments you can do.

There are a good number of other home acne treatment methods you can also try using the ingredients that are normally available in your kitchens, and some of these acne treatment methods include:

1. Cooked oatmeal - After it has been cooled down, it can be applied daily to the affected areas and allowed to stay for around fifteen to twenty minutes and this should be washed off.

2. Lemon juice and rose water - If applied in equal amounts regularly it can be a great home acne treatment. Simply apply the solution on the affected areas and leave for about thirty minutes and the wash off. Use this acne treatment method for the duration of around fifteen to twenty consecutive days.

3. Fresh garlic - This is another ideal home acne treatment that may work for some people since garlic is essentially a great anti-septic. Just rub a few pounded garlic cloves around the affected areas and keep for fifteen minute, then wash off. Take note that there may be a slight sting when applying to the affected areas using this home acne treatment method.

4. Tea bags and basil leaves - Using a simple mixture of two or three tea bags and basil mixed together in hot water for ten minutes may be applied over the affected areas using a cotton ball, a easy yet quite effective home acne treatment solution.

5. Ground Bay leaves - By blanching them in water, they can provide quite an effective home acne treatment that could work for some people. Just let it cool down before applying the ground bay leaves on the affected areas in order to provide acne treatment.

These are but a few of the home acne treatment methods that may work for some individuals and are indeed quite effective. Take into consideration the severity of your condition as this may require the expertise of a professional skin specialist and that home acne treatment remedies work for all people. If home acne treatment does not work for you, do not leave off going to your dermatologist and get the acne treatment from them. If having tried the methods for home acne treatment and does not yield any positive results then consultation with a dermatologist is obviously the next recourse as there may be specific medication needed for your condition.

Luvi Marie Corcuera is the Editor of Informational sites such as:

Acne Treatment [] and Bonsai Growing

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Natural Acne Treatment

Acne is a terrible affliction that too many people are forced to live with. Acne is not a single pimple; it is a lot of clogged pores and, bumps, inflammation, and redness than can be very embarrassing. Using prescription treatments can often do more harm than good. They can burn and make the skin peel. Luckily, there is natural acne treatment available.

Natural acne treatment is made from all-natural ingredients. This means that the only natural herbs, vitamins, and minerals are used. It is always important to check the list of ingredients on any natural acne treatment. It will take mere minutes to find information about the ingredients and make an informed decision about choosing natural acne treatment. It is worth those few minutes to feel good about choosing natural acne treatment. Most natural acne treatments will work on all forms of pimples including whiteheads and blackheads. This is important to know when choosing the right natural acne treatment.

Natural acne treatment works in many different ways. People do not seek out natural acne treatment until there is an actual acne problem. So, natural acne treatment reduces redness and swelling cause by inflammation and also works to clear out the pores and restore a healthy balance to the skin. Once acne is under control, natural acne treatment will work to keep the acne from returning. It is important to follow through with natural acne treatment or the acne will return. Natural acne treatment will also help reduce the appearance of scars caused by the acne. This is an unfortunate effect of acne and can follow people for their entire lives, even after acne is no longer an issue. Natural acne treatment also reduces the appearance of scars.

Who benefits from natural acne treatment? It would be nice if acne were present only through those troublesome teen years. Teenagers do experience acne much more than adults, due to all of the hormonal changes taking place in their young bodies. However, acne can follow people into adulthood. Adults should be aware of natural acne treatment for themselves as well as for their children who may experience acne. All of these people will benefit from natural acne treatment.

Acne is not limited to the face. People can experience acne anywhere that pores can become clogged. When pores become clogged, bacteria thrive. This is what leads to the redness and inflammation. These other areas include the neck, back, and underarms. This can be just as embarrassing as facial acne. Natural acne treatment can be used on any of these areas as well as the face. Natural acne treatment will treat all acne regardless of its position on the body.

Natural acne treatment restores confidence. Natural acne treatment allows people to go out and face the world without embarrassment. Natural acne treatment helps people to feel attractive. Self-esteem is so important and natural acne treatment raises the self-esteem of anyone who has ever been afflicted with acne. There is no reason to suffer through acne breakouts. Natural acne treatment is available and will clear skin and restore that much needed confidence!

Hi everyone. My name is Dr. Jim Schwartz from [], where we like to give Nature a little helping hand ;-)

I have been in the natural health supplement business for over 14 years and I have seen a lot of weight loss and diet fads come and go. I'd like to use this platform to get the plain facts out.

All the natural health supplements I recommend actually work and are completely safe to use and with no nasty side effects.

My goal in this business has always been to make people feel better about themselves - both inside and out!

So I hope you find my articles of interest and I wish you the very best of health :-)

Dr. Jim []

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Reliable Over the Counter Acne Medication - What Every Acne Sufferer Should Know!

Where headaches and stomach aches are concerned, it is normal for most people to find relief by purchasing non-prescription medication from their local drug store. This buying pattern seems to extend to acne treatment as well as more and more people are buying inexpensive but reliable over the counter acne medication.

Don't Just Follow The Crowd

Many people who are affected by acne tend to purchase medications advised by their family or friends. This can be a big mistake since a product may not necessarily work for everyone due to each person's different body composition and skin conditions. In fact, using the wrong type of product can even aggravate your acne breakouts!

You really need to be well-informed when choosing a reliable over the counter acne medication. To choose wisely, you need at least have a fundamental knowledge of acne and the various products and medications.

Gather the Right Data

The first thing you should do is simply consult your doctor. It may not be a bad idea to even seek a second option from another doctor. Upon their examination, these doctors can tell you more about your condition and the type of treatment that you need. Do not be shy to ask for their opinions about reliable over the counter acne medication.

Next, check out the various non-prescription acne medications. This is because acne medications have different ingredients that can cause various effects to your epidermis. To minimize harmful effects, spend some time to find out as much information as possible about the chemical ingredients. You can do this by searching the Internet or by reading relevant books and magazines.

Effective Chemical Ingredients

While doing your fact finding, you will learn of benzoyl peroxide, a chemical that is found in many reliable over the counter acne medication. It is a chemical that have the ability to fight the acne bacteria and prevent it from causing havoc. It does have a side effect which can be minimized with the use of medication that has a mild concentration of benzyl peroxide. Other common ingredients that treat and prevent future outbreaks include sulphur, resorcinol and salicylic acid.

Irregardless of which product that you purchase, please bear in mind that it is not wise to overuse it. As a rule of thumb, most medications are used up to twice a day and not more than that. By doing, the reliable over the counter acne medication that you select will help you treat and prevent acne while ensuring that your skin does not dry up to the point of it being damaged.

There is no reason why you must continue to be shy about those pimples, zits or scars. Go to to learn more about reliable over the counter acne medication and much more. Join the other people whom we have helped and visit us now to read our various articles about over the counter acne medication including other non-prescription anti-acne solutions.

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Acne Adult Best Treatment - What is Acne?

Acne is a very common word but do you know what does it mean? In simple words, acne can be defined as an inflamed or infected skin condition which occurs from clogged oil-secreting glands. It may appear on any parts of our body, but the face, back and chest are the three main areas.

As acne is a direct result of clogged pores, we can conclude that it is not due to poor hygiene or diet, as commonly believed. In fact, there are four major physiological factors which cause acne formation. They are increased skin oils (sebum), rapid shedding of dead skin cells, bacteria and inflammation (redness).

In factor #1 (increased skin oils), the hormonal changes during puberty affect various physical changes and one of them is an increment in the sebum production of the sebaceous glands. When the sebum is produced excessively, it may clog the pores and then form the acne.

In factor #2 (rapid shedding of dead skin cells), the skin cells shed more rapidily during puberty, thus creating a build up of dead skin cells. In normal skin condition, those dead skin cells mix with sebum from the sebaceous glands and then flow up and out to the surface of the skin. However, in acne-prone skin, the accumulated dead skin cells will mix and stick together with the sebum, thus forming a soft plug that will then clog the pores. These clogged pores are known as "microcomedones". Because of that, they are called the "spark plug" of acne, on top of the fact that they are invisible to our eyes.

In factor #3 (bacteria), the mixture of dead skin cells and the sebum creates a perfect environment for the growth of P.acnes bacteria, a normal skin bacteria. The formation of large acne lesions are among the effects of this bacteria excessive growth.

In factor #4 (inflammation or redness), the growth and multiplication of P.acnes bacteria in the clogged hair follicle causes the redness and swelling, or commonly known as inflammation. If not treated properly, the severe inflammation will lead to scarring.

If you watch them carefully, all of the four factors are related to each other. This combination will surely worsen your acne. Hence, it is vital for you to watch out for all those factors, and to make sure that they are away from you and your skin!

Staggerlee Phillips often writes on health topics. Tired of not finding even a single acne treatment product that works? Worry no more - Click Here - Acne Adult Best Treatment []

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What is Acne?

Acne is a common skin disease which affects the various skin parts such as face, neck, shoulders, chest and back. Acne is a relatively less serious health problem but obviously, a nightmare for beauty conscious people. Acne vulgaris is the most common type of acne.

Acne is manifested because of the clogging or blockage in the pores of the sebaceous glands which are the oil secreting natural body moistures. The blockage of the follicles will lead to accumulation of sebum in the portion called the comedon. Propionicum acne, the bacteria, will get attracted to the site and cause inflammation by destroying the white blood cells. Non inflammatory acne also occurs. According to the difference in the clogging location, acne is classified into different sub types such as pimples, white heads, black heads, cysts and manula. It can occur in any age, but is more frequent in teenagers. On rare occasions, the outbreak of acne will grow and lead to moderate and severe type of acne. One of the most drastic consequences is its effects in the emotional well being of patients. Many patients have lost their confidence to go out in public and the result has been difficulties in relationships. The chance for permanent scaring is another potential harm.


Exact causes are not identified for acne, however, genetics, and hormonal changes are attributed to be the main reasons. Diet, age, pollution, and personal hygiene are also suspected as reasons.


The facial eruptions are the primary symptoms of acne. Certain types will form pus inside the inflammation and some will be slightly hard. Most of them will be tolerable; however, some will cause irritation, pain, tenderness, and itching.


In most of the acne cases clinical diagnosis will not be essential. Physicians can easily diagnosis acne from external symptoms. In case of severe acne, an endocrinologist may refer for hormonal tests.


Usually acne is treated using over the counter medicines in various forms such as lotions, ointments, and pads. However, in moderate and severe cases, the assistance of a dermatologist will be necessary. Physicians used to recommend drugs primarily to reduce bacterial infection and minimize the production of sebum. The comedolytic anti clogging drugs are also popular while Benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, azelaic acid (Azelex), isotretinoin and antibiotics are some of the common drugs for treatment. Many surface therapies such as dermabrasion, laser therapies and punching of skin are also treatment measures. Alternative medicines and herbal medicines also suggest many remedies.


Often diet and habits are blamed for acne occurrence and even though no evidence supports such arguments, it is better to have a balanced diet and good health habits to prevent it. Regular cleaning of the face and avoidance of irritant cosmetics is essential to avoid clogging.

Jason Rickard is the owner of Your Favourite Shop - Offering White Noise and Relaxation CDs [] - Visit Hapa Health for more articles

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To Defeat Your Enemy You Need to Know Your Enemy: Understanding What Causes Acne

While the exact cause of acne is not completely understood, the general process is known and we have identified a number of things that will trigger or make it worse. Acne is most commonly related to clogging of the sebaceous glands, hair follicles or pores of they skin. Often this is due to increased levels of androgens, which are the hormones that stimulate the sebaceous (oil) glands in the skin. It is also clear that the bacterial breakdown of the skin's natural oils into fatty substances is somehow involved. The cause is more complex than just having dirty skin, drinking caffeine, stress or eating oily foods such as chocolates. These factors can contribute to outbreaks but research has shown that the cause of acne is actually a combination of many factors.

The number one cause of acne is puberty. This is due to changes in the hormone levels of the body. This leads to the overproduction of oils, which leads to clogged pores and infection. An oily substance called sebum (it's job is to keep skin and hair lubricated and supple) is a main contributing factor. During adolescence, excess amounts of sebum are produced causing pores to become clogged. The pores then become infected with the bacteria P. acnes, thus the name acne.

Any buildup of dirt, oils or cosmetics on the skin can begin the cycle that results in acne. A lack of sufficient exfoliation of skin cells can have the same result. The sebaceous gland is just a few millimeters below the skin's surface. If the top layer of skin is not regularly cleansed and exfoliated to remove pore-clogging dead cells, an outbreak is likely.

Stress can be another major contributing factor for acne. Although people find this very surprising, acne can become more serious as a result of increased stress. The stress alone does not cause the infection but it may lead to a hormonal imbalance. This imbalance causes excessive oil production which, you guessed it, leads to clogged pores and acne.

Genetics also play a part in the problem. There is credible evidence that acne is at least partly hereditary, but we don't know exactly why some people are affected and others are not. The general consensus is that genetics create the potential for problems. Genetics combined with environmental conditions, like clogged pores, determines the severity of an outbreak.

Anything that effects the outer layer of skin can have an effect on the development of acne. This includes the clothes and postures of an individual. Rubbing or abrading the skin, from tight fitting clothes on a hot day for instance, can create the conditions that will lead to infection.

While many people feel that eating chocolate or greasy foods causes acne, experts have found few links between diet and acne. Interestingly it may be refined carbohydrates, rather than chocolate and greasy foods, that could be the cause of teenage acne and pimples. Loren Cordain and scientists at the Colorado State University in Fort Collins have published research showing that refined carbohydrates, like refined bread and cereal, unleash a series of reactions in the body, increasing the production of bacteria that cause acne. In any case, it's important to eat a healthy diet to keep your body in general good health.

The cause of acne is a subject that has been researched extensively by the medical community. It's likely that the true cause of acne is a combination of many factors. The basic cause of acne is plugged oil glands. This can be an inherited condition affected by changing hormone levels within the body. Toxins and wastes are trapped in clogged pores, causing bacterial infection. Many scientists believe genetics, hormones, oil production and diet all play a role. The good news is that numerous studies have shown that the "chocolate factor" is mostly a myth.

For more information about the causes and treatment of acne visit Mike Hirn's website at

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What is Acne Vulgaris? How Do You Apply Natural Acne Remedies to Acne?

Acne is the common term for plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), deeper lumps such as nodules or cysts, and pimples that occur on the face, neck, back, chest, shoulders and sometimes the upper arms. It is most common on the face, especially on the forehead, nose and chin.

Medically, Acne is known as "Acne Vulgaris".

Acne is most common, or prevalent, during puberty. This is because during puberty your body is creating greater amounts of sebum (oil). Sebum, being an oily substance, is designed to keep your skin and hair soft and lubricated. During puberty the production of sebum increases which can cause the skin to feel oily and leads to clog pores.

Puberty also notes the onset of an increase in the production of follicle cells. Whiteheads can be caused by a built up mixture of sebum and dead follicle cells. This mixture of sebum and dead follicle cells is a perfect environment for bacteria which will cause the swelling and redness associated with pimples.

Acne is a skin condition that commonly afflicts people during their teenage years. However it is not tied to a specific age group, adults in their twenties and even into their forties can suffer from adult acne. Race and gender do not play a role either as it can affect all people equally.

Statistics show that acne affects about 85% of all people between the ages of twelve and twenty four. Roughly 25% of these people will suffer from back acne, neck acne or face acne. It will be severe enough to cause about 40% of these people to seek medical treatment.

Suffering from acne can lead to severe psychological and emotional repercussions. As acne affects the sufferer's appearance it also damages their self esteem and self image. Teenagers are especially vulnerable in terms of their self-confidence. Depression, as well as feelings of frustration and anger can result.

If you suffer from severe acne a consultation with a dermatologist could be required. A dermatologist can prescribe antibiotics to counter the bacteria and medication for treating the skin.

Fortunately there are many home, natural and herbal acne treatments that are available to help with acne control. There is also large amounts of information covering diet and lifestyle changes that could help with treating the condition.

Using tea trea oil or lemon juice as a facial wash works well. Oatmeal masks can also be mixed and applied to the face to remove excess sebum (oil) and to draw impurities from deep within the skin.

There are other natural products found at home that can assist. Apple Cider Vinegar can be mixed with water and used as facial wash that kills acne causing bacteria whilst removing excess oil from the skins surface. Toothpaste can also be dabbed onto the problem area to dry the acne out whilst cucumber juice can prevent irritation and swelling associated with acne.

Coupling natural acne treatments with a 3 step daily regime of cleansing, toning and moisturising and then using herbal supplements to cleanse the body from within is another great natural method of treating acne.

The most comprehensive listing of herbal acne treatment products can be found on my site.

Learn about Acne, What Causes Acne, Types of Acne, Stages of Acne and how you can effectively use a range of home, herbal and natural acne treatment products to solve Acne breakouts permanently!

Educate and empower yourself now. You no longer need to suffer the emotional damages that acne brings. Learn more about the disorder and how to rapidly treat it with the best herbal treatment of acne solutions.

Be Acne Free Now!

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What Causes Acne? - A Guide to Treating and Healing Pimples Naturally

Researchers believe that all acne is a malfunctioning of the pilosebaceous unit, which is basically a hair follicle, a hair and a sebaceous gland.

You can find these units anywhere on your body, except on your soles, palms and your lower lip. These units can be found in large quantities on your face, neck and chest.

Learning what causes acne can help you deal with outbreaks and other skin problems. During the teenage years, your body produces more sebum because of hormones, this sebum is responsible for keeping your skin moisturized.

After you turn 20, your sebum production begins to decrease, which is why so many people naturally get rid of their acne in their early 20s. However, when you start getting acne in your 30s, 40s and 50s, that is when you want to learn what causes acne and how you can get rid of it.

Treating & Healing Acne

There are many ways to treat and heal acne. You can try an apple cider vinegar solution or even go on a juice fast, which will help clear your body of toxins and other problems.

Many also find that Benzoyl Peroxide a very effective way to get rid of acne. It is an organic compound that has been used in clearing zits and pimples for several decades.

The only problem with Benzoyl Peroxide is that it sometimes can irritate and dry your skin, these stops after about a week when your skin and adapts.

Many have also reported that when they use Benzoyl Peroxide in conjunction with herbal extracts and other beneficial nutrients in a natural cream, it works even better.

By finding a cream that contains Benzoyl Peroxide and these beneficial nutrients, you can really start seeing the effects on your skin.

By doing your research and educating yourself on the options that are available today, you can find a very inexpensive solution that gives you a natural option that does not cause any long-term side effects like so many treatment methods today.

If you're interested in learning more about how to remove pimple and acne, visit my website, where I reveal what products and methods were effective in helping my get rid of acne fast.

Amy K. Sharp is a passionate researcher of how to heal acne in both teenagers and adults, to learn more about how you can start clearing your skin, visit her website at

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What Causes Acne? Top 5 Acne Myths

There are many myths about what causes acne that persist today even though there is a lack of scientific evidence supporting these myths.

While doctors are still not exactly sure what causes stubborn acne in some while others are not affected, there are many persistent myths about acne. Understanding what is causing your acne will allow you to take the appropriate measures to treat your acne and keep it under control.

Here are the Top 5 myths about what causes acne:

Myth #1: Acne is caused by poor hygiene or dirty skin.

While bacteria in the skin is involved in the creation of acne, and antibiotics can help improve acne, lack of cleanliness is not the actual cause for the acne breakouts. Acne is caused by excess oil and dead skin cells that clog the pores and build up under the skin. Cleansing your skin of oil and debris with a gentle cleanser that kills the acne bacteria is important for preventing breakouts, but it's not necessary to use harsh cleansers or abrasives. Scrubbing too hard or washing your face too often can irritate and dry out your skin, and can actually make your acne worse.

Myth #2: Acne is caused by chocolate or other foods.

Chocolate has long been blamed for causing acne, along with pizza, soda and french fries; yet studies have shown no scientific evidence that this is true. The myth that chocolate and fast food are what causes acne may persist because many teens have acne and these are also favorite foods for teenagers. While no particular food can be blamed for causing acne, some people may find they react to certain foods and can try avoiding them to see if there is an improvement in their acne.

While your acne will most likely not simply disappear with a healthy diet, it is important to eat healthy foods that contain nutrients that support healthy skin. Some find improvement by avoiding meat and dairy products that contain hormones and switching to organic products.

Myth #3: You will outgrow your Acne and don't need to treat it.

While it's true that most people with acne find it improves with age and may clear up completely by their early 20s, there are many others that do not outgrow their acne. It is a myth that simply being a teeanager is what causes acne and that it will just clear up in time. It's important to treat acne in your teens to prevent permanent scars that can be difficult or impossible to remove later. Today there are many acne treatments available both over-the-counter and stronger medicines from a dermatologist, and there is no reason to simply wait out your acne.

Others unfortunately find their acne worsens or shows up for the first time in their 20s. This adult acne can be difficult to treat, and when severe, needs an aggressive approach. You will not outgrow adult or chronic acne. While it cannot be cured, it can be managed successfully.

Myth #4: Makeup causes acne.

The first cosmetics were oil based and could definitely make acne worse, but today there are many makeup products that are created for acne prone skin. As long as you use make up that is oil-free and does not contain any other ingredients that can clog pores you can use makeup to help improve the appearance of your skin. Hiding blemishes and the redness of active acne can go a long ways towards improving your self-esteem as you work to control your acne. Be sure to read the labels and look for the term "noncomedogenic" which means the product does not cause comedones or acne from clogged pores. Another term you may see is "nonacnegenic" which is also safe for acne prone skin. Today there are even some makeup brands which include acne fighting ingredients that actually improve your skin!

Myth #5: Popping pimples is the best way to get rid of them.

While its tempting to pop pimples in an attempt to get rid of them quickly, it can actually worsen acne by spreading the bacteria that is causing it. Popping acne cysts can cause the infection to spread in the deeper layers of the skin, damaging the skin which leads to scarring. In cases of severe acne, this scarring can be permanent. Acne cysts or painful nodules should be treated by a dermatologist who knows how to treat them safely.

Dispelling the prevalent myths as to what causes acne is important for controlling your breakouts. With the correct information, you can learn what is causing your acne and what will work to clear up your skin and prevent future breakouts.

Joy Byers is a skin care specialist and educator who has spent 30 years researching skin care. She shares her personal battle with severe acne and her experience with a variety of skin care products, laser treatments and makeup for problem skin. She is the creator of the website [] designed to dispel the myths about acne and share what really works.

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Spot The Menace - What Causes Acne?

In the US alone, nearly 4 million people suffer from acne, and we're not just talking teenagers here. Acne can affect almost any age group in any part of the world, but no one really knows why. So here's an attempt to find the causes of one of the world's commonest skin afflictions.

The thing about acne is that it is perhaps the most common skin affliction that the global population suffers from today. It is also one of the most ugly, and anyone with acne suffers intense emotional trauma as a result of often conspicuous scarring, which can mar an otherwise beautiful face, and a huge amount of information is available detailing the adverse social and mental impact of acne on a sufferer.

Of mysterious origins

So what's the point? The point is that despite its widespread nature and the obvious social impact that it has, acne remains something of a mystery for medical science. In plain English, we do not know exactly what causes acne. As dermatologist Dr Andrew Waite says, "Acne is somewhat like the common cold. Almost everyone gets it, but we don't know exactly what causes it, and therefore cannot formulate a pinpoint cure for it."

On a superficial level, however, we do know how acne occurs, so let's get that out of the way first. In very basic terms, acne develops when the pores of the skin are clogged. Beneath every pore of your skin lies a canal-like structure called a follicle, within which lie a hair and an oil gland. The oil gland is actually a sebaceous gland, which secretes an oily substance called sebum, which moisturizes the skin and helps remove dead skin cells. However, there are times when the sebaceous gland secretes excess oil, which is when your troubles begin.

When your skin receives excess supplies of oil, the pores are blocked, thus trapping grime and dirt underneath, which provides the perfect breeding ground for the acne-causing bacteria glorying in the name of propionibacterium acnes (understandably called P. Acnes for short).

Inevitably, the tip of the blocked pore will either turn white (and be called whitehead) or black (and be called blackhead), and since no one I know can resist picking at whiteheads and blackheads, these growths usually break open to spread the oil and bacteria to their immediate surroundings and infect them. And so you will sprout red pimples and go into a blue funk, and depending on the severity of the infection, you may even suffer from really excruciating cysts if the pimples are large enough.

What causes excessive sebum secretion?

For those who think I have just described the causes of acne, I have to point out an obvious loophole. My explanation begins at the point when sebaceous glands begin producing excess oil, but I am mum on the subject of why they act the way they do. The reason: no one knows what exactly triggers the excess sebum production.

The best that medical science has been able to do is to ascribe acne to heredity, which means if it runs in your family, you stand a high chance of getting it. Susannah Crewe, 25, an aspiring model from Tulsa whose career has suffered intensely owing to severe acne outbreaks, says she has a family history of acne, but the condition remained dormant until she began using certain cosmetics at around the age of 17, when she moved to New York with a promising career ahead of her. "I didn't realize it at the time, but the acne was triggered by these cosmetics," she says now.

The acne myths

Thus you will have people mistakenly attributing their acne to cosmetics, or food, or hormonal changes, or certain drugs, but the truth is that these are merely triggers and not the causes of acne. As Dr Waite says, "People experience hormonal changes at many stages, such as puberty, menstrual periods, pregnancy, or even in times of intense anxiety. Similarly, people who perspire excessively may attribute their acne to sweating, but these do not create acne, they just help bring it out."

So we are no closer to finding the exact cause of acne than we were at the start of the article. In subsequent articles, we will explore the aforementioned triggers in some detail, and that is our only hope of understanding, and perhaps preventing, this infernal malady.

To find more information about acne and treatment you can visit my acne treatment blog . For choosing the best treatment for your acne you need to visit the acne treatments review page.

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