Sunday, October 24, 2010

Acne Adult Best Treatment - What is Acne?

Acne is a very common word but do you know what does it mean? In simple words, acne can be defined as an inflamed or infected skin condition which occurs from clogged oil-secreting glands. It may appear on any parts of our body, but the face, back and chest are the three main areas.

As acne is a direct result of clogged pores, we can conclude that it is not due to poor hygiene or diet, as commonly believed. In fact, there are four major physiological factors which cause acne formation. They are increased skin oils (sebum), rapid shedding of dead skin cells, bacteria and inflammation (redness).

In factor #1 (increased skin oils), the hormonal changes during puberty affect various physical changes and one of them is an increment in the sebum production of the sebaceous glands. When the sebum is produced excessively, it may clog the pores and then form the acne.

In factor #2 (rapid shedding of dead skin cells), the skin cells shed more rapidily during puberty, thus creating a build up of dead skin cells. In normal skin condition, those dead skin cells mix with sebum from the sebaceous glands and then flow up and out to the surface of the skin. However, in acne-prone skin, the accumulated dead skin cells will mix and stick together with the sebum, thus forming a soft plug that will then clog the pores. These clogged pores are known as "microcomedones". Because of that, they are called the "spark plug" of acne, on top of the fact that they are invisible to our eyes.

In factor #3 (bacteria), the mixture of dead skin cells and the sebum creates a perfect environment for the growth of P.acnes bacteria, a normal skin bacteria. The formation of large acne lesions are among the effects of this bacteria excessive growth.

In factor #4 (inflammation or redness), the growth and multiplication of P.acnes bacteria in the clogged hair follicle causes the redness and swelling, or commonly known as inflammation. If not treated properly, the severe inflammation will lead to scarring.

If you watch them carefully, all of the four factors are related to each other. This combination will surely worsen your acne. Hence, it is vital for you to watch out for all those factors, and to make sure that they are away from you and your skin!

Staggerlee Phillips often writes on health topics. Tired of not finding even a single acne treatment product that works? Worry no more - Click Here - Acne Adult Best Treatment []

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