Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Causes Acne? Top 5 Acne Myths

There are many myths about what causes acne that persist today even though there is a lack of scientific evidence supporting these myths.

While doctors are still not exactly sure what causes stubborn acne in some while others are not affected, there are many persistent myths about acne. Understanding what is causing your acne will allow you to take the appropriate measures to treat your acne and keep it under control.

Here are the Top 5 myths about what causes acne:

Myth #1: Acne is caused by poor hygiene or dirty skin.

While bacteria in the skin is involved in the creation of acne, and antibiotics can help improve acne, lack of cleanliness is not the actual cause for the acne breakouts. Acne is caused by excess oil and dead skin cells that clog the pores and build up under the skin. Cleansing your skin of oil and debris with a gentle cleanser that kills the acne bacteria is important for preventing breakouts, but it's not necessary to use harsh cleansers or abrasives. Scrubbing too hard or washing your face too often can irritate and dry out your skin, and can actually make your acne worse.

Myth #2: Acne is caused by chocolate or other foods.

Chocolate has long been blamed for causing acne, along with pizza, soda and french fries; yet studies have shown no scientific evidence that this is true. The myth that chocolate and fast food are what causes acne may persist because many teens have acne and these are also favorite foods for teenagers. While no particular food can be blamed for causing acne, some people may find they react to certain foods and can try avoiding them to see if there is an improvement in their acne.

While your acne will most likely not simply disappear with a healthy diet, it is important to eat healthy foods that contain nutrients that support healthy skin. Some find improvement by avoiding meat and dairy products that contain hormones and switching to organic products.

Myth #3: You will outgrow your Acne and don't need to treat it.

While it's true that most people with acne find it improves with age and may clear up completely by their early 20s, there are many others that do not outgrow their acne. It is a myth that simply being a teeanager is what causes acne and that it will just clear up in time. It's important to treat acne in your teens to prevent permanent scars that can be difficult or impossible to remove later. Today there are many acne treatments available both over-the-counter and stronger medicines from a dermatologist, and there is no reason to simply wait out your acne.

Others unfortunately find their acne worsens or shows up for the first time in their 20s. This adult acne can be difficult to treat, and when severe, needs an aggressive approach. You will not outgrow adult or chronic acne. While it cannot be cured, it can be managed successfully.

Myth #4: Makeup causes acne.

The first cosmetics were oil based and could definitely make acne worse, but today there are many makeup products that are created for acne prone skin. As long as you use make up that is oil-free and does not contain any other ingredients that can clog pores you can use makeup to help improve the appearance of your skin. Hiding blemishes and the redness of active acne can go a long ways towards improving your self-esteem as you work to control your acne. Be sure to read the labels and look for the term "noncomedogenic" which means the product does not cause comedones or acne from clogged pores. Another term you may see is "nonacnegenic" which is also safe for acne prone skin. Today there are even some makeup brands which include acne fighting ingredients that actually improve your skin!

Myth #5: Popping pimples is the best way to get rid of them.

While its tempting to pop pimples in an attempt to get rid of them quickly, it can actually worsen acne by spreading the bacteria that is causing it. Popping acne cysts can cause the infection to spread in the deeper layers of the skin, damaging the skin which leads to scarring. In cases of severe acne, this scarring can be permanent. Acne cysts or painful nodules should be treated by a dermatologist who knows how to treat them safely.

Dispelling the prevalent myths as to what causes acne is important for controlling your breakouts. With the correct information, you can learn what is causing your acne and what will work to clear up your skin and prevent future breakouts.

Joy Byers is a skin care specialist and educator who has spent 30 years researching skin care. She shares her personal battle with severe acne and her experience with a variety of skin care products, laser treatments and makeup for problem skin. She is the creator of the website [] designed to dispel the myths about acne and share what really works.

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