Sunday, October 24, 2010

Acne Treatment:Importance of Treatment for Acne

Acne is a very common skin disorder. It is also known as Acne Vulgaris which means 'common acne'. It is mostly seen in adolescence and it carries over into adulthood. Majority of people recover from acne whereas some of them are left with acne scars. There are different types of acne such as nodulocystic acne or cystic acne.
The main regions of the body that are affected by acne are neck and face. You can consult a dermatologist for treatment of acne and its scars. There are different grading scales that are available to grade the severity of Acne. They are very helpful to determine the treatment for acne. The grading scales are Pillsbury scale, Cook's Acne grading scale and Leeds acne grading technique.

Causes of Acne:
The exact causes of Acne are still unknown. There are several related factors that cause acne. They are given below:

• Using greasing cosmetics
• Hormonal changes
• Stress such as emotional stress
• Blockages of skin pores
• Lack of hygiene
• Intake of drugs such as steroids or lithium or antidepressants
• Overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands
• Exposure to pollutants or industrial products
• Individuals who has a family history of acne are more susceptible to it

Symptoms of Acne:

A brief summary of the information about physical symptoms of Acne are listed below:

• Pimples
• Dry, pink and itchy skin
• Blackheads
• Large and firm lumps below the skin
• Whiteheads or Milia
• Pus filled yellowish lumps on the surface of the skin
• Scarring
• Cysts
• Abnormal redness and irritation on the face

Tips for preventing acne are as mentioned below:
Here are some useful tips for preventing acne or for treatment of acne.

• Drink plenty of water
• Wash your hands and face regularly/proper cleaning
• Eat a balanced diet. Include vegetables and fruits in your diet
• Avoid squeezing your pimples
• Use mild cleanser and avoid the usage of abrasive skin products
• Avoid the intake of junk oily foodstuffs, chocolate and coffee
• Avoid excessive scrubbing of the skin. It would irritate the skin and result in pore clogging and aggravate the problem of acne
• Regular exercises, yoga and meditation helps to control stress which helps in acne treatment

There are various types of remedies that are available for acne treatment. They are as follows:
Home remedies for Acne:

• Orange Peel: Apply powdered orange peel mixed with water on the affected area for some days
• Fenugreek: Apply the paste of fenugreek leaves over the face before going to bed and keep it overnight. Wash it in the morning with warm water
• Cinnamon powder mixed in honey: Apply the paste of cinnamon powder mixed in honey on the affected area before going to bed. Keep it overnight and wash it with warm water in the morning. Repeat the procedure for two weeks.
• Lemon juice: Apply lemon juice daily on the affected area
• Pomegranate skin: Apply paste of roasted and powdered pomegranate skin mixed with lime juice on the affected area
• Tomato: Apply tomato on the acne, keep it for one hour and wash it

There are many medicines and products available in the market for Acne treatment. While considering the best products for acne treatment, select the product on the basis of its customer feedback, safety and quality of ingredients used in it. A long term solution to the problem of acne can be sought by opting for a combination of therapies.
For the selection of the right treatment of acne we have to take into consideration factors such as type of acne, type of skin i.e. oily or dry, family history of acne problem, and severity of the acne.

The treatment for acne depends on its severity; whether it is mild or severe. In case of mild acne you can use benzoyl peroxide. For severe acne, antibiotics or hormone therapy are mostly recommended. Some medicines that are useful for acne are Retinoid, Azelaic Acid, Creams and lotions. Medicines are expensive and also have side effects.

Some different treatments for Acne are described below:

• Antibiotics in consultation with the doctor for severe acne
• Hormonal treatments specially for women
• Phototherapy is useful for moderate acne treatments
• Surgery is very useful for boils and cystic acne
• Photodynamic therapy
• Laser surgery: This treatment helps to reduce the scars left behind due to acne. It is also useful for preventing the formation of acne itself.

Jimmy A. Thomas is an expert in providing information about various types of treatment like acne treatment, arthritis treatment etc.

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