Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Causes Acne? - A Guide to Treating and Healing Pimples Naturally

Researchers believe that all acne is a malfunctioning of the pilosebaceous unit, which is basically a hair follicle, a hair and a sebaceous gland.

You can find these units anywhere on your body, except on your soles, palms and your lower lip. These units can be found in large quantities on your face, neck and chest.

Learning what causes acne can help you deal with outbreaks and other skin problems. During the teenage years, your body produces more sebum because of hormones, this sebum is responsible for keeping your skin moisturized.

After you turn 20, your sebum production begins to decrease, which is why so many people naturally get rid of their acne in their early 20s. However, when you start getting acne in your 30s, 40s and 50s, that is when you want to learn what causes acne and how you can get rid of it.

Treating & Healing Acne

There are many ways to treat and heal acne. You can try an apple cider vinegar solution or even go on a juice fast, which will help clear your body of toxins and other problems.

Many also find that Benzoyl Peroxide a very effective way to get rid of acne. It is an organic compound that has been used in clearing zits and pimples for several decades.

The only problem with Benzoyl Peroxide is that it sometimes can irritate and dry your skin, these stops after about a week when your skin and adapts.

Many have also reported that when they use Benzoyl Peroxide in conjunction with herbal extracts and other beneficial nutrients in a natural cream, it works even better.

By finding a cream that contains Benzoyl Peroxide and these beneficial nutrients, you can really start seeing the effects on your skin.

By doing your research and educating yourself on the options that are available today, you can find a very inexpensive solution that gives you a natural option that does not cause any long-term side effects like so many treatment methods today.

If you're interested in learning more about how to remove pimple and acne, visit my website, where I reveal what products and methods were effective in helping my get rid of acne fast.

Amy K. Sharp is a passionate researcher of how to heal acne in both teenagers and adults, to learn more about how you can start clearing your skin, visit her website at

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